Energize thinning hair with a lightweight conditioner that increases volume. The Nioxin System 1 Scalp + Hair Conditioner is suitable for moderate hair loss, natural and non-coloured hair. It improves the hair structure and adds nutrients to the scalp and roots. This moisturizer protects against damage and breakage, creating an optimal environment for hair growth. It contains botanicals and antioxidants that will make your hair stronger and healthier.
Strengthens hair and gives it strength and volume.
improves hair texture and nourishes the roots
creates a healthy scalp environment for optimal hair growth
its light and moisturizing ingredients protect against hair damage and breakage
Caffeine - stimulates hair follicles, improves blood circulation and protects the skin barrier
oil of mint leaves - promotes blood circulation to the scalp
niacinamide - nourishes the roots and keeps the scalp healthy
Peppermint oil - regulates sebum production and oiliness
1. After using shampoo, massage Nioxin System 1 Scalp + Hair Conditioner into wet hair.
2. Hair Conditioner.
3. To rinse thoroughly.
300 ml.
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