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                          General terms and Conditions

                          The GeneralTerms and Conditions of iCORD LC s.r.o.

                          The following GeneralTerms and Conditions apply to all orders placed via the online shop www.beapura.com.

                          The General Terms andConditions of iCORD LC s.r.o. can be saved or printed out by the customer at anytime. Only consumers within the meaning of the Austrian, Belgian, French,Italian, Spanish and Dutch Consumer Protection Act are deemed to beClients.

                          1 OpeningProvisions

                          In these The General Termsand Conditions we define the relationship between our company, iCORD LCs.r.o., with registered office at Jinonická 804/80, Košíře 158 00,Prague, Czech Republic, ID number: 291 63 471, as the seller and operator of theshop online www.beapura.com and you, our customer, who concludes a purchasecontract with us.

                          We apply a uniform approachto our customers and bring them the same advantages, whether they are consumersor not. Therefore, the rules set out in these The General Terms and Conditionsapply to all of our customers.

                          2 ContractualPartner

                          The purchase contract isconcluded with the company iCORD LC s.r.o..

                          Information about thecompany iCORD LC s.r.o.:

                          Website: www.beapura.com

                          iCORD LC s.r.o.


                          Košíře 158 00,Prague


                          ID number: 291 63471

                          Email: info@beapura.com

                          Our customer service isavailable to customers for questions and complaints Monday through Thursday from8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 2:30p.m.


                          iCORD LCs.r.o.


                          158 00 Prague5


                          3 Contractuallanguage

                          The contractual language isEnglish.

                          4 Offer andconclusion of contract

                          Our information on goodsand prices is subject to change andnon-binding.

                          The presentation of theproducts in the online shop does not constitute a legally binding offer, but anon-binding online catalogue and an invitation to order. By clicking the orderbutton, the Customer does not place a binding order for the goods contained inthe shopping basket, but an offer to iCORD LCs.r.o.

                          The confirmation of thereceipt of the order by BeaPura is sent automatically immediately after sendingthe order or completion of the ordering process by e-mail to the e-mail addressprovided by the customer. This order confirmation serves as information for thecustomer that the order has been received.

                          A binding contractis concluded in the followingcases:

                          • Ifthe customer has chosen credit card payment, the contract is concluded at thetime the credit card is charged.

                          • Ifthe customer has chosen the payment method PayPal, the contract is concludedat the time of the customer's confirmation of the payment instruction toPayPal.

                          • Ifthe Client has chosen the payment method bank transfer, the contract isconcluded at the time of receipt of payment to the account of iCORD LCs.r.o.

                          • Ifproducts are not available, the customers will be informed.


                          The prices listed in theonline shop at the time of the order shall apply. The prices are stated in Euroand include the statutory value added tax in the Czech Republic. The total priceis made up of the order value of the goods, the shipping costs and the statutoryVAT.


                          The following paymentmethods are available to the customer in the BeaPura onlineshop:

                          • Prepayment(Bank transfer)

                          When choosing payment inadvance, BeaPura gives the customer its bank details in the order confirmationand delivers the goods after receipt of payment. In case of payment in advance,the Customer shall transfer the full invoice amount to the account of iCORD LCs.r.o. within ten calendar days after receipt of the order, stating the paymentreference. The ordered goods will be reserved for a period of ten calendar days,otherwise the order will be cancelled.

                          • Instantbank transfer

                          With immediate banktransfer BeaPura receives the confirmation about the receipt of payment andimmediately sends the order to the customer. The advantage compared toprepayment is that BeaPura does not have to wait for the customer's payment andthe order can be shipped faster.

                          • Creditcard

                          The customer can pay in theonline shop with MasterCard and Visa credit cards. The credit card is chargedwhen the order is completed. If the customer has chosen credit card payment, thecontract is concluded at the time the credit card ischarged.

                          • Paypal

                          The customer pays theinvoice amount via the online provider Paypal. The customer must be registeredwith Paypal or register first, legitimise himself with his access data andconfirm the payment instruction to BeaPura.

                          7 Shipping costsand delivery

                          Items are delivered toItaly, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Austria. The delivery time isabout 5 to 10 days and depends on the capability of the parcelservice.

                          1. Fordeliveries to Italy, we charge 9,88 € per order withBartolini HD parcel service, orders over 160 € are free.

                          2. Fordeliveries to Spain, we charge 9,88 € per order withCorreos HD parcel service; orders over 160 € are free of charge.

                          3. Fordeliveries to Belgium, we charge 8,5 € per order withBpost HD parcel service, orders over 160 € are free of charge.

                          4. Fordeliveries to the Netherlands, we charge 8,5 € per order with DHLHD parcel service, orders over 160 € are free of charge.

                          5. Fordeliveries to France, we charge 9,88 € per order withColis Privé HD parcel service, orders over 160 € are free of charge.

                          6. Fordeliveries in Austria, we charge 6,60 € per order withÖsterreichische Post, orders over 140 € are free of charge.

                          8 Dispatchconfirmation and parcelnotification

                          After dispatch of theorder, the customer will receive a confirmation by e-mail. By entering into thecontract, the customer agrees that BeaPura will pass on his e-mail address tothe parcel service Bartolini HD, Correos HD, Bpost HD, DHL HD, Colis Privé HDand Österreichische Post, thereby authorising the parcel service to inform himof the expected delivery day and time. Bartolini HD, Correos HD, Bpost HD, DHLHD, Colis Privé HD and Österreichische Post shall ensure that it uses thecustomer's personal data exclusively for the purpose of parcel notification anddoes not pass them on to third parties (except in legalcases).

                          9 Retention oftitle

                          The goods remain theproperty of BeaPura until full payment has beenreceived.

                          10 Cancellationpolicy

                          1. Right ofrevocation and withdrawal

                          The customer has the rightto withdraw from the contract with BeaPura within fourteen days without givingany reason. The revocation period is fourteen days from the day on which thecustomer or a third party named by the customer, who is not the carrier, hastaken possession of the last partial shipment or the last item. In order toexercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must inform BeaPura(info@beapura.com) by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter or e-mail sentby post) of his/her decision to withdraw from the contract with BeaPura. Thecustomer may use the enclosed model cancellation form for this purpose, whichis, however, not mandatory. If the customer makes use of this option, BeaPurawill send him/her a confirmation (e.g. by e-mail) of the receipt of his/herdeclaration of withdrawal. In order to preserve the right of withdrawal, it issufficient that the customer sends his declaration of withdrawal before theexpiry of the 14-day withdrawal period.

                          With us, you can return allthe products you have purchased on our site. The exception concerns productswhich cannot be returned for hygienic reasons (eg open cosmetics and otherproducts that come into direct contact with theskin).

                          2. Consequences ofthe withdrawal

                          If the customer withdrawsfrom the contract with BeaPura, BeaPura shall reimburse the customer for allpayments it has received from the customer, including delivery costs (with theexception of additional costs resulting from the fact that the customer haschosen a type of delivery other than the most favourable standard deliveryoffered by BeaPura), without undue delay and at the latest within fourteen daysfrom the day on which BeaPura has received the notification of withdrawal fromthe contract. For this repayment, BeaPura uses the same means of payment thatthe customer used for the original transaction. Online-Shop can also agree onanother means of payment with the customer; in no case will the customer becharged any fees because of this repayment. BeaPura may refuse repayment untilit has received the goods back or until the customer has provided proof that hehas returned the goods, whichever is theearlier.

                          The Customer shall returnthe goods to BeaPura (iCORD LC s.r.o., Jinonická 80, Prague 158 00, CzechRepublic) without undue delay and in any event no later than fourteen days fromthe day on which the Customer notifies us of the revocation of the contract. Thedeadline is met if the customer sends the goods before the expiry of the periodof fourteen days. The customer shall bear the direct costs of returning thegoods if the goods delivered correspond to thoseordered.

                          The goods should bereturned in unused and as new, resalable condition and in the originalpackaging. If a product was sent to you free of charge during the purchasecontract ("gift"), this gift must bereturned.

                          In the case of items thatare impaired by signs of use or whose packaging is damaged, BeaPura reserves theright to an appropriate compensation for the reduction in value, provided thatthis loss in value is due to an extent of contact with the goods that isnecessary for the inspection of the condition, quality and functioning of thegoods.

                          By "testing the propertiesand functioning" is meant testing and trying out the respective goods, such asis possible and customary in a shop.

                          3. Exceptions tothe right of withdrawal

                          The right of withdrawal isexcluded for used hygiene articles. Hygiene articles are considered used if theyare used beyond the usual testing and trying - as is possible and usual in ashop. This also includes the removal of seals or original packaging, whichexcludes the resaleability of the article. Hygiene articles include goods thatare primarily used for health care, health maintenance or personalhygiene.

                          11 Transportdamage

                          If the goods are deliveredwith obvious transport damage, BeaPura asks its customers to please complainabout such defects to the delivery person as soon as possible and to informBeaPura about it. Failure to make a complaint or to contact BeaPura has noconsequences for the customer and his legal claims and their enforcement, inparticular the warranty rights. However, the customer helps in this way to beable to assert our own claims against the carrier or transportinsurance.


                          In the online shop, thestatutory liability for defects applies:

                          1. Productillustrations do not always have to match the appearance of the deliveredproducts.

                          2. Ifthere is a defect in the purchased item at the time of handover, the statutoryprovisions shall apply. Warranty claims become statute-barred after 2 yearsfrom handover of the goods.

                          3. Ifa product is defective, we will arrange for replacement of the goods orrectification by improvement of the defects within a reasonable period oftime. This does not affect those cases in which the right to rescission andprice reduction is granted by law. Online-Shop shall bear the costs for thereturn shipment.

                          4. Nocase for warranty exists if the damage results from improperuse.

                          Please note that increasedsensitivity or the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the delivered productcannot in itself be considered a product defect. Similarly, defects in gifts andother free services beyond your order cannot be considered a product defect. Theimages of the products in our online store are illustrative and do not representa binding display of the characteristics of the products (for example, thepackaging of the product may vary due to the change of packaging from themanufacturer).

                          If you decide to make acomplaint about the goods, send it back to us at: iCORD LC s.r.o.,Jinonická 804/80, Košíře 158 00, Prague, Czech Republic and contact usabout your complaint via e-mail: info@beapura.com. Do not forget to indicatethe defect noted, how it manifests itself and possibly your wish as to themethod of processing your complaint. We will inform you in writing of thehandling of your complaint, in particular of its receipt, its treatment or itsrefusal, either by e-mail or by SMS. We can also reach you by phone. We handlecomplaints very quickly. It usually takes no longer than 30 days to fullyprocess a claim. Otherwise, you are entitled to withdraw from the contract.However, your cooperation is essential for us to meet thesedeadlines.

                          13 Storage ofcontract text

                          BeaPura stores the contracttext and sends the customer the order data and its GTC by e-mail. The customercan view and download the GTC in the online shop at any time. All past orderscan be viewed by the customer in BeaPura's customerlogin.

                          14 DisputeResolution

                          • If a dispute arises between the buyer, who is a consumer, andthe seller from the concluded purchase contract, which is not resolved bymutual agreement, the buyer has the option under Act No. 634/1992 Coll., onConsumer Protection to submit a proposal for out-of-court dispute resolutionto the designated authority (Czech Trade Inspection, Central Inspectorate -ADR Department Štěpánská 44, 110 00 Prague 1, e-mail : adr@coi.cz,https://adr.coi.cz/cs).

                          • If a dispute arises between the Buyer, who is a consumer, andthe Seller from the concluded purchase contract, the Buyer also has thepossibility to resolve the dispute out of court on the EU online platform atthis link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.

                          15 Protection of personaldata

                          iCORD LC s.r.o., Jinonická 804/80, Košíře 15800, Prague, Czech republic, ID number: 291 63 471, VAT No: CZ29163471(hereinafter referred to as "iCORD" or "we"), operator of the online storewww.beapura.com, declares that all personal data (hereinafter referred to as"data") is considered strictly confidential and that it is processed inaccordance with the legal provisions in force regarding the protection ofpersonal data.

                          1. Personal data weprocess

                          The most common data that you communicate to us is thedata obtained through the form for ordering products or other services on ourweb pages. These are mainly the data necessary for the conclusion and executionof a purchase contract.

                          These data are necessary for the processing ofyour order and can be divided into:

                          1. Identification data, which are the first and last nameand, in the event of a purchase for a company, the RCS number and theintra-community VAT number.

                          2. Contact Data, which is email address, postal address,billing address, telephone number, bank details, paymentinformation.

                          3. Data that appeared during the term of the contract, i.e. the products purchased, the volume of services provided and the customersegment.


                           If you have customer account on our website, we process the followingpersonal data:

                          1. Identification data,which are the first and last name and, in the event of a purchase for a company,the RCS number and the intra-community VATnumber.

                          2. Contact Data, which isemail address, postal address, billing address, telephone number, bank details,payment information.

                          3. Demographic data derived from your configurations andbehavior on the web, which are data on gender, date of birth, preferredlanguage.

                          4. Connection data, which is yourusername and password. We do not have access to the actualpassword.

                          5. Datathat appeared during the term of the contract , i.e. the products purchased, thevolume of services provided and the customer segment.

                          An order is also possible without a login or without acustomer account.


                          If you are therecipient of commercial messages, we process the followingdata:


                          1.Identification data, i.e. firstname.

                          2. Contact data, through which wecan communicate with you, i.e. the e-mailaddress.

                          3. Demographic data derived fromyour configurations and behavior on the web, which is data on gender andpreferred language.

                          You can always refuse to receive these messages bymeans of an unsubscribe link which you will find at the bottom of each e-mailcontaining these messages. The termination of the subscription to commercialcommunications is free. 

                          • If you visit ourwebsite

                          If you visit our website, then we collect variousinformation about you during your visit, including your IP address, browserconfiguration and preferred language, websites visited, including the time ofvisit. In addition, we also track your movement on the website or which linksyou click on, so that we can better personalize the content displayed andprovide you with the products and content youvalue.

                          When visiting our website, we also store andsubsequently read cookie files. Apart from cookies, we also process data on yourbehavior on the web, your IP address, data communicated by your browser, i.e.the resolution, the operating system of your device, including its version andlanguage setup.

                          Our website contain links to our social networks.After logging in, personalized offers and targeted advertisements linking to ourwebsite may appear on your social media and otherwebsites.

                          • If you contact us via our customer serviceor social networks

                          If you contact our customer service by telephone ore-mail, we primarily process the recordings of telephone calls, which arechecked, as well as the recordings of the e-mailcommunication.

                          If you contact us regarding a request through our siteor profile on certain social networks, the processing of your personal data isgoverned exclusively by the Principles for the processing of personal data ofthe company that operates the social network inquestion.

                          • If you configure an availabilitynotification

                          If a product you are interested in is unavailable, weoffer you the possibility of configuring monitoring of its availability. When itis back in stock, we will notify you by a message sent to the e-mail address youprovided, which we will process for this reason.

                          •If youparticipate in consumer contests

                          Through our site or our profiles on certain socialnetworks, we organize attractive competitions for you, in which you canparticipate and for which you will find the complete rules here.  The announcement of the results may bepublic, which means that we may publish certain data about the winner on oursite or profile on the social network in question. Any activity or communicationwith us through social networks and the processing of your personal data aregoverned by the Principles for the processing of personal data of the companythat operates this social network.

                          If you participate in a competition, weprocess the following personal data:

                          1. Identification data, which are thefirst and last name.

                          2. Contact data, i.e. your profile onthe social network or e-mail address, in the event of winning also theaddress, postal address, billing address, telephone number for can sendit.
                          • Protection, Security and DisputeResolution

                          We may also process your personal data to ensure theprotection and security of our customers and systems, to enforce our legalrights and claims, to detect and prevent fraud, to settle disputes or to enforceour agreements. We may also process personal data for possible controls carriedout by public bodies.

                          2. To whom do we transmit personaldata?


                          We process your personal data in most cases for ourown purposes as administrators, which means that we determine those purposes forthe collection of your personal data, the determination of the means to processthem and their proper execution.

                          We only transmit your personal data to our partners ifthis is essential in the context of the execution of a purchase contract, forexample to guarantee payment or transport (such as credit card companies, banks,Bartolini HD, Correos HD, Bpost HD, DHL HD, Colis Privé HD, Austrian Post). Ifis necessary we proces your personal data to legal or financial representatives,courts for the processing of tax documents, debt collection or for other reasonsthat arise from the performance of our obligations imposed by law or to publicbodies in the event of claiming our rights (for example the police). Apart fromthis, personal data of customers will not be passed on to third parties withoutthe express and at any time revocable consent of thecustomer.

                          If third parties use your personal data in the contextof their own legitimate interests, we are not responsible for this processing.Such possible processing is governed exclusively by the Principles for theprocessing of personal data of related companies andpersons.

                          3. How long do we process personal data andhow is it secured?

                          We primarily process your personal data for theduration of our contractual relationship. For example, concerning the accountingdocuments that we issue, we are required as administrators to keep theinformation about you at least for a period of 10 years after theirestablishment.

                          As part of the execution of your requests and the provisionof quality customer services, we process your personal data from the conclusionof our contractual relationship until 1 year after the end of the periodwarranty of the product purchased for the purpose of settling potentialdisputes. If you communicate with us through our customer service, we keep thepersonal data of this communication for a period of 2 years, including therecordings of the calls, which are controlled. If you give us consent to sendcommercial messages, this consent is valid for 4 years or until revoked.Likewise, if you give us an agreement so that you are notified of theavailability of the product you are following, this agreement is valid until themoment of sending the information on its availability, but at most 1 year oruntil upon his dismissal. If you take part in a competition that we organise, weprocess your personal data for a period of 1 year. After expiry of the deadlinesset for processing, your personal data will be deletedautomatically.

                          4. How do we useCookies:

                          Commercial company iCORD LCs.r.o with its registered office at Jinonická 804/80, Košíře 158 00 Prague CzechRepublic, identification number 29163471, registered with the CommercialRegister of the Municipal Court in Prague Section C, insert 218123, operates thewebsite Beapura.com, which stores files generally referred to as "cookies" onyour device during your visit in accordance with generally binding legalregulations.


                          More information here.

                          5. Yourrights

                          • Youhave the right to request free information about the processing of yourpersonal data

                          • Ifyou find that the personal data processed is inaccurate or incomplete, youhave the right to request its correction.

                          • Incertain cases, you can exercise your right to erasure of the personal datathat we process about you.

                          • Incertain cases, you can use the right to restriction of the processing ofpersonal data that we process about you.

                          • Youhave the right to obtain from us all personal data that you have communicatedto us that we process on the basis of your consent.

                          • Youhave the right to object to the processing of personal data, taking place onthe basis of our legitimate interest.

                          • Theapplication of these rights and procedures does not limit your right to file acomplaint with the competent regulatory body. You can use this right above allif you believe that we process your personal data unlawfully or incontradiction with generally binding regulations. The entity responsible forhandling customer complaints is the Office for personal data protection whoseregistered office is at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechrepublic.

                          6. Legal Notice

                          Access to and use of theinformation on this website implies full acceptance of the following terms andconditions.

                          Terms used in this LegalNotice

                          iCORD LC s.r.o.with registered office at Jinonická 804/80, Košíře 158 00, Prague, CzechRepublic, ID number: 291 63 471.

                          We use the term “User(s)”to refer to users of our websites, online pages andservices.

                          We use the terms "you","your" and "yours" in reference to the User who reads this LegalNotice.

                          We use the terms “we” and“our” to refer to iCORD LC s.r.o.

                          Intellectualproperty rights

                          The content of this websiteand its pages are protected by applicable copyright, trademark rights and/orother intellectual property rights. None of these rights can be transferred tothe User of this website.

                          No other use, such as,without limitation, modification, copying, reproduction, redistribution orcirculation is permitted without our prior writtenconsent.



                          You agree that your accessto and use of this website and pages is at your own risk. The informationprovided on this website and on the pages may not be used as advice of any kind,including but not limited to investment advice or relating to tax or legalmatters.

                          We use reasonable effortsto provide accurate information on this website and pages and may change andupdate it from time to time without notice. Nevertheless, we do not bear anyresponsibility and make no express or implicit guarantee with regard to theabsence of error, virus or defective operation of these websites and of thepages and/or on the correct, reasonable, up-to-date and complete character ofthe content of this site and the pages and we explicitly reject anyresponsibility for any direct or indirect damage in the broadest sense, whichwould arise from or be related to use of this website or itspages.



                          The user has theobligation, when using our services, to comply with the instructions, messages,rules, terms and conditions mentioned by us.


                          If you have a question,comment and request regarding these The general conditions and terms, you cancontact us via email address info@beapura.com. Your request will be taken intoaccount without undue delay, but at most within 30 days. In exceptional cases,especially in view of the complexity of your request, we are authorized toextend this period by another two months. We will inform you of this possibleextension and its justification.

                          Entry intoforce

                          The general conditions andterms are valid and enter into force from 30.8.2022.

                          Please wait