Revive thinning hair with a treatment that refreshes the scalp and increases hair volume. The Nioxin System 4 Scalp Care + Hair Thickening Treatment has been specially developed for frequently falling out coloured hair. This lightweight, rinse-free treatment nourishes each hair shaft, delivers antioxidants, provides UV protection and ensures a healthy and resilient scalp for optimal hair growth.
Improves hair density and volume without weighing it down.
Nourishes the scalp and protects against antioxidants and UV rays
reduces breakage for stronger, healthier hair
contributes to a healthy scalp environment for better hair growth
1. Gently massage Nioxin System 4 Scalp Care + Hair Thickening Treatment into towel-dried hair.
2. Spread evenly over hair with a damp towel.
3. Apply evenly.
100 ml.
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