The unique Wella Professionals BlondorPlex Permanent Cream Toner with special PLEX technology guarantees up to 90% less hair breakage. The formula contains only a small amount of ammonia. Depending on the developer used, the hair can then be tinted or toned with lightening.
Unique features:
Creamy formula,
The cream formula with a conditioning formula that lasts up to 15 washes,
PLEX technology,
low ammonia content,
does not leave a yellow/orange tinge in the hair.
1. Mix Wella Professionals BlondorPlex Permanent Cream Toner in a plastic bowl with your chosen developer.
2. Apply to lightened, washed and damp hair.
3. Apply from roots to ends and comb through.
4. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
Mixing ratio: 1:2 (toner : developer)
Recommended developer: Wella Professionals Welloxon Perfect
For professional use only.
We recommend performing a sensitivity test before using the colours for the first time. If an allergic reaction in the form of a rash occurs, do not use the colour.
Do not apply to hair on which henna has been applied.
Use protective gloves when applying henna on henna that has not been hennaed.
Do not use to colour eyelashes and eyebrows.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water.
60 ml.
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