
                          Sebastian Dark Oil Mask 500 ml

                          Sebastian Dark Oil Mask 500 ml

                          {common::4::productReferenceNumberText}: SES57777
                          {common::4::priceAfter}:0,00  EUR
                          EUR {common::4::perMl}
                          Professional light Sebastian Dark Oil hair mask for perfect shine and hair nourishment. The mask is unique in its composition with a special mixture of oils for all hair types. It effectively nourishes, hydrates and preserves the hair's natural structure. Plus, it leaves hair shiny with a silky feel. The hair will be up to three times softer and more flexible. The result is shiny, nourished and soft hair.

                          Jojoba oil - adds shine and softness, heals damaged hair and promotes healthy growth of strong hair
                          Argan oil - protects, hydrates and nourishes the hair fiber, adds shine

                          1. Apply to damp hair, leave on for 2-5 minutes.
                          2. Rinse thoroughly.

                          500 ml


