Shampoo for color and vulnerability.
Something I liked, and immediately added hydration to my face
Zlepšuje can curdle and udržuje he springs a v pohybu
Give anything, take a hidden mobile phone
Udržuje crepatění under control
Living without a scarf
Zanechává is here, I'm going to see you here
Obohaceno or Vzádné oil z Amazonian fate
Klíčová složky
Organic pacaxi oil - sweet ovladatelnost vlasů (mokrých and suchých), lighter, more cracked to give vlasů every pocit
Organic babasu oil - all compatible oil for wet skin, innovative lipid layered skin, deep self-cooking areas, thick skin, smearing self-cooking and zabraňuje shoesQuinoa bilkoviny - chrání barvu vlasů, pomáhá before blednutí barvy to zvyšuje ovladatelnost to lesk
Children's pictures - possibilities, pleasure to buy or sell
Integrity 41® - the need for radical and extremely stressful factors, including the need for self-coding
Old organic eggs - směs extract from borůvek, lemon juice, peel, peel the peel or powder the pouch hlavy
1. Apply the wet vlasů, zpěňte
2. důkladně oplāchněte.
3. The first post should be packed.
Manufacturer / Distributor: Via Brodolini, 30, 21046 Malnate (VA) Itay